
Showing posts from September, 2020
Here is our poster!! Hope you like it!! Rosa  
 Hi from the Basque Country - Rosa
Let´s start with the blog!!👍


 Individuals gain the values that determine their personalities, thoughts, ways of behaviours. These values serve as a benchmark when they encounter new situations in their future life. Humans can distinguish the right from the wrong, the good from the evil only through these values that shape their identities. How can individual attain these values? At this point, we need education to get involved in the process of cultivating values in humans. Therefore, we need to develop a comprehensive approach towards values education at schools. Problems in today's world reveal the importance of values education once again. Values education means universal values that not only our country but also all humanity should have. The spiritual crises experienced globally show that mankind need to search for a sound values education that will help them to realize both inner and outer peace. Tale is a very important factor that refreshes the inner world of children and improves their im